Father, Husband, Student, plus ADHD: About the blog

I'm in my late 40's, have two kids, live in the 'burbs with my wife, and I'm finally confronting a backlog of life issues. The problem I had growing up was that I was clearly very intelligent, but very unfocused. For years it (I) was written off by other people as squandered potential, and I had a hard time with a lot of things. 

In general, I have a lot going on. The pandemic ended my last career, so I started going to school. Now I'm changing schools, and changing directions. But, there are still some things I do here and there, and this is as good a place as any to write up the things I think are worth sharing. Topics will include:

Parenting: with the following condition: 

Parenting is hard enough already, because all of our friends, and family, and coworkers, and people we can't stand but still keep around... all of them show up with their own ideas of how you should be doing the parenting thing. It might be something they did as a kid, or as a parent, or a dream they never achieved, or a story of lasting damage done to themselves or others. In my more cynical moments, I wonder if some of these folks simply think I should look more stressed than I do.

My parenting entries are not about any of that. If I offer things here, it's because I personally thought they were helpful. Take it or leave it. The best bits of advice that I've ever taken were things that actually made sense to me, and I could see the intent and the motivation behind them. Anything I put up is intended to be helpful to any current parent. 

Also, your mileage may vary. Kids are all different, and they respond to different things in different ways. 

Random Projects

Even though I'm not building furniture of flying cars anymore, I still come up with interesting things every now and then, and this is as good a place as any to talk about them, and share the details. 


Again, this is one of those topics that is hard enough to deal with already, if you're dealing with it. And I've had a lifetime of people telling me how much how much more they'd have accomplished if they had my intelligence, or how I'm squandering potential, or what the hell is wrong with me now... (In a number of directions.) The fact of the matter is that (I'm told) I'm a measurably intelligent guy. But sometimes when the rubber hits the road, the steering wheel falls off. 

I'm still figuring it out as I go, and some of the solutions I've found, turned out to be solutions that worked for other people. If I find something that worked for me, I'll share it here. Again, only with the desire to be helpful. Take it or leave it, your mileage may vary. Circus monkeys should be checked at the door.

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